Sunday, 8 May 2016

The Pan, The lady of the Song, The Fixer

Fill it up, Feel your power. Let it flow, believe in the glow.
Believe in the gifts from the faeries. Feel the power, feel the energy, let it flow, flow through you like a song.
Don't try and fix things by covering it over. Feel it, allow it to be cleansed by its own power. Your own power is a blessing and if you fill it up with love it will be a great power. Don't doubt yourself, keep on the path you're on. It's your own path and that is special, that's unique, every sensation you feel is just for you- It's yours.
You can explore. The world is to be explored. A universe of infinite possibilities. Millions of moments.
Right now it could be just a wee light, an indistinguishable flicker in the distance, but it's coming, feel it coming, it will be a cacophony of visions, love and light dancing before your very eyes and flowing through your fingers.

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