Monday, 16 November 2015

Gloominous Doom

It's not about ego. Don't fear, but know there will be bad times. Times of shadow and doubt. Know that the beauty is in how you transcend it. What else is there to do but bring grace? Give freely of your light and shine it upon the darkness you feel when it feels like the hardest thing. Know that this is grace, know that grace brought you here, beyond the deepest, darkest gloom. And know that it is not all doomed. Know the humour in your defeat. Laugh at yourself when you trip over. Know that you carry light, even when you don't feel it. If you focus, you can feel it there. Love and light follow you. You know that rewards will come with the recognition of the light. Sparks continue to appear. Lighting up your life, don't look away from them. Let yourself be carried trough with the powers of the other realm. Be grateful for the grace. Put in the work, but don't resent it, realise that work is necessary to work with light.
Love the journey, bless the journey.
See yourself through the light.

Friday, 13 November 2015

The remembrance and The Paradox

Remember, Remember, Remember.
Remember your soul. Don't imagine that you could forget. Your soul is very old and can not be forgotten. Remember the souls that have walked with your soul towards the higher purpose. Remember, don't forget the lessons learnt. Remember, your soul knows. Your soul has the wisdom, it is within you. You already know the right steps to take. There are signs all around you, every day. The trick is to listen. Listen and love. Love and give grace. All is well within you and around you. Love is within you and around you. Trust that this love is strong enough to lead your soul to the joy that you deserve. Trust in the love that surrounds you, as it's part of your love, the love in your soul. Love is all, love is one and love is old. Remember this love, remember how it feels. Remember the many times that love has touched your soul. Trust the love and remember that it works in mysterious ways to bring more love to your soul.
Remember bliss and trust in the journey.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Once Was Innocent

Knowledge brings transformation. Time is change, and all things change in time. Now that you know, why would you want to turn back. Take hold of your power and transform into the true you. You are no longer innocent, naive of what could be. Listen to your heart and blow it wide open. Discover yourself in a clear light. Allow connections to take place without pollution. This isn't a test, it isn't a conclusion. Take pride in life and stand up in your convictions. Don't waste your time regretting anything. Just move forward and be strong. Step down from the pillar that is crumbling beneath you and be real. Kneel down on the earth and feel. Ground yourself and ground your heart. Take a breathe and see. See that it's all working out perfectly. The next step will become clear when you step forward out of the fog and your head is clear. Just be strong and remember this. It's all about working for the whole. Working for connection and raising vibrations.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

The Queen of Owls

Wisdom, wisdom to feel,
Wisdom to share, don't be scared,
Don't ever be scared to express who you are or what you feel.
There is more pain in hiding and suppressing.
More pain in believing yourself to be misunderstood without an attempt to express yourself.
Just be, and be free.
If you don't express your body will express for you in illness and dis-ease, just say what it is that you feel.
What comes from deep within.
Joy will follow.